Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Joys of Ambush Philosophy

I love ambushing people with philosophy. Why, just tonight I noticed that someone had a personal message on MSN that read, "a wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left".

Like a crocodile hunting gazelles at a Serengeti waterhole, I drifted slowly, almost aimlessly towards my prey . . . then struck!

Yitzi says:
i disagree
Yitzi says:
that's not a wise girl, that's an overly cynical girl
Unsuspecting Victim says:
do you have any experience?
Yitzi says:
one whose joie de vivre is all but sapped
Yitzi says:
in which field?
Unsuspecting Victim says:
in the field of the mentality of women?
Yitzi says:
Yitzi says:
my expertise is not so much in female psychology; i'm more talking from the epistemological side of things
Unsuspecting Victim says:
i'm sure..
Yitzi says:
Yitzi says:
i mean to say, a girl who does those things protects herself from getting hurt
Unsuspecting Victim says:
Unsuspecting Victim says:
why are you still talking about it?
Unsuspecting Victim says:
you're only discussing it with yourself.. i didn't put it up there so that people can discuss it with me..
Yitzi says:
but she also prevents herself from feeling some of the greatest joys of life. the thrill of intimacy, the mellow pleasure of loyalty
Unsuspecting Victim says:
that's your oppinion, you're entitled to it, but you don't have to share it with me..
Unsuspecting Victim says:
i didn't put it up so that people would comment it
Unsuspecting Victim says:
i put it up because it's wise
Yitzi says:
"One seeks a midwife for his thoughts, another someone to whom he can be a midwife: thus originates a good conversation." - Nietzsche
Yitzi says:
i often have arguments with myself; typing my thoughts to others allows me to clarify them
Yitzi says:
how is avoiding the greatest highs of life in order to escape the risk of pain in any way wise?
Unsuspecting Victim says:
for fucks sake
Unsuspecting Victim says:
write your thoughts down
Yitzi says:
i am
Unsuspecting Victim says:
it's kind of annoying having them pop up, when i'm trying to do assignments
Unsuspecting Victim says:
well write them on paper or to someone else
Unsuspecting Victim says:
fine! i'll put them on my blog!
Yitzi says:
so there!

And I did.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Fate of Angels

Behold! A mildy heretical argument for the injustice of God.

Compare, if you will, the actions and wages of two prominent angels in Jewish myth: Gabriel and Satan. Both are servants of God. Both do exactly as He commands, to the letter. Yet at the end of days, Satan gets slaughtered (Mesekhta Sukkah 52a), while Gabriel, one assumes, continues to bask in the radiance of the Lord. Which sounds quite fun. Kinda like The Eternal Solarium. I wonder if you can catch cancer from the radiance of the Lord. . .

The challenge here, for the believers, is to justify the vast difference in treatment between two equally devoted servants of God. Non-believers, all you gotta do is try not to swallow your little novelty umbrellas as you sip your pre-ordered victory highballs.