Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A short note on the acquisition of 1337 skillz

I learnt how to ride a bike this week. And not just any bike. One with two wheels. I felt that I'd like to move past tricycles before I turned 20, and time was rapidly running out.

Riding a bike is pretty fun. I felt like I was six again. I often feel like I'm six. Apparently, it's noticable to observers too.

It was a big step for me, and I'm happy my dad played a part. He came out of the house to scream at me for riding too close to parked cars. He later claimed that a more appropriate verb would be 'advised', but I think it's a trick.

Big props to my friendly neighbourhood Gavriel for helping me out. The guy knows more about bikes than Chuck Norris. And to qualify an ambiguous sentence, I mean that Gavriel knows more about bikes than he knows about Chuck Norris. No-one knows more than Chuck Norris about anything. Ever.


nathan said...

big ups and props for learning how to ride a bike b4 the age of 20 maybe once you get good we can cycle instead of run ay?

AaronJ said...

wow one thousand three hundred and thirty seven skills?! thats a lot of skillz...u must be pretty pro
btw check out this song http://youtube.com/watch?v=2vOpxh9o-uM
also check out MY blog, just click on my name and follow teh links
oh grats on the ride skill btw