Sunday, October 12, 2008

What would Chuang Tzu do?

After the circus was over, I went to Borders (Cirque de Solei - expensive, fun). I find the atmosphere conducive to reading. At Borders, obviously. It's difficult to read when there are people before you are flying through the air on blue ribbons.

I managed get my paws on an edition of the Chuang Tzu. In it, I read the following:

A man of Sung did business
In silk ceremonial hats.
He traveled with a load of hats
To the wild men of the South.
The wild men had shaved heads,
Tatooed bodies.
What did they want
With silk
Ceremonial hats?

So, with the reckless abandon that is often cultivated when I read the Taoist classics, I went home, typed out those lines into an email, and promptly sent it, with no subject line, to 63 not-quite-randomly-selected contacts on my list. I did exercise some discretion - my workplace will not be receiving any sackable Taoist riddle emails from me, no sir.

The first response has just come through, from my brother, Hecky. It reads "weed much?". I wonder if, among what I'm sure will be many accusations of excessive drug use, I will recieve any truly wonderful responses. Because really, what did the wild men want with all those hats?

This should be interesting.

Let the games begin.

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