Monday, December 1, 2008

Northrend Musings - All the World's a Toilet

It's not like Blizzard has never made me clean up their shit before (I remember one particular adventure I had in Nagrand). Yet I had hoped, with unwarranted optimism, that I could leave my dung duties behind when I arrived in Northrend.

Alas, twas not to be! No sooner had I stepped off the *boat thingy* than some crazy gnome was having me feed gourmet Sephardi dishes
to the local wolf population and search the, uh, products of my labour for missing microfilms.

"That's no problem," I hear you say. "When I go to Northrend, two months after everyone else, I'll just go to Howling Fjord. FIXT!"

So this is where it really gets fun. A gnome in Howling Fjord gave me sticks of dynamite and directed me to throw them under nearby bats to, quite literally, scare the shit out of them. Then, big surprise, I had to collect it. Me, big, hero, saviour-of-the-Alliance me. Once again, picking up droppings.

I'm assuming Blizzard hired heaps of new people to help with the construction of Northrend.

I wonder if they hired someone solely to create feces-based quests.

I wonder where he lives...


AaronJ said...

i responded...this time in graffiti form!

AaronJ said...

ye wtf is up?!
the first quest i encounter after landing in grizzly involves me taking shit
its the latest crazy a la kenny's world