Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Never Degreenify Me!

Today was one of the most wonderful days of my life. Really. And surprisingly, it didn't involve martial arts, or stealth bombers, or Ellen Page.

It involved a musical called Wicked. Shana first introduced me to Wicked by giving me some of the songs to listen to. And what songs they are! Full of wit and colour, poignancy and splendiferousness. They soon became part of our routine (we sing a lot), and today we finally got to see it live in concert at Melbourne's Regent Theatre.

The thrill of it all was magical. I was admonished by someone several seats up for singing along. Which I continued to do, albeit somewhat quieter than before. I bought an overpriced Wicked t-shirt for the residual joy I will feel every time I see it. I was jumping up and down before and after. Long after.

From the moment we stepped out of the theatre, we were singing. We sang through the streets of Melbourne city. We sang on the bus to the airport, waiting for the plane, on the plane, getting off the plane, bussing home.

The bus to the airport was particularly fun. Some people in front of us had just been to the same performance, and were greatly impressed by my ability to remember the words so well as I chanted verse after verse from the showtunes. They were impressed for all of five seconds, until Shana told them that we were, in fact, already quite familiar with the Wicked tunes, thus ruining my chance of pretending to some random South Australians that I was a musical prodigy who could properly remember and sing songs after hearing them once. A musical Simmons, if you will. Ah well.

I highly recommend the songs a listen, and if you ever get a chance to see it live, take it. Otherwise, you're a dunderhead. For all you lazy people, here are Youtube links. Listen to these two songs, then tell me they're not fantabulous. I dare you.

I'm Not That Girl:

I guess the most apt summary for this somewhat rambling review would be a line from the show itself:

I couldn't be happier.

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