Monday, July 7, 2008

Young Love

When I first saw her I knew I had to make her mine. Her skin seemed to sparkle, seemed to glow. I gazed in awe at her delicate frame, her gorgeous features. Whenever we're together, my heart beats fast, and I feel my insides aflame. When we move, it is the laughter of the gods, and a thousand thousand cherubim singeth verses of praise all around us. Time loses all meaning. I move slow as a paper lantern on a calm lake, yet faster than the cloud-borne dragons. The entire world vanishes, and for a moment there is only she and I, and that moment is pure bliss.

But this merriment, this mirth, it comes at quite a hefty price. I payed most heavily for the privilege of being with her. Yet, I am confident that the purchase was a shrewd one, for I expect that we shall be together for a very long time. At least a year and a half - two years, I'm told. And I guess, like with most anything else, if you want a good quality bike, you gotta put the money down.

I bought her today, from my local bike shop, and named her Epona. I have learnt to ride on whatever third-rate bikes I could find around the house (think very old, very crappy, very stolen), so the handling alone was like eating ice cream. She seems to respond to my thoughts themselves, not unlike a Firebolt.

Anyway, that's enough about my bike. It is always insufferable to hear a young buck in love ramble on about the object of his desire.

Quick shout-out to my man Seagen, who can play Samus better than my Link, and Link better than my Samus. The man's got skillz.

And we're just about done. Before we go: did you notice how I didn't use the phrase "ride her" in the opening paragraphs? See, I do have class.


Unknown said...

jeeze you guys should get a room but dont lick her chin you might scare her away ;P

AaronJ said...

cmon yitzi there are liek thousands of bike inyourendos u coulda sed:
- when im not around i gotta lock her down, if u know what i mean
- i take her for a quick one in the mornings, if u know what i mean
- she helps me get to my destination everytime, if u know what i mean
- shes got 18 speeds, if u know what i mean
im dissapointed, cuz im sure you coulda come up with some really good ones
instead u had to make ur post all 'classy' n shit

AaronJ said...

maybe if ur free sometime, we can ride our bikes together...

asferwv said...

nicely done you had me there.
Oh and seagens not that good i play like clodzero with falcon. If you dont know who that is youtube it.